Sunday, April 5, 2009

Gallery Experience

Several Casey families gathered at The Mississippi Museum of Art for LifeShard's "First Saturday" on April 4, 2009. Led by Amanda Cashman, students and parents learned about Raoul Dufy's art and practiced gesture, contour, and line drawings. We learned that Dufy liked drawing and painting animals, flowers, boats and the ocean, and horses. More about the exhibit and Raoul Dufy can be found here. The exhibition is called Raoul Dufy: A Celebration of Beauty, but I was not prepared for how much beauty I would see.

After practicing drawing in the style of Dufy, students could choose to complete a scavenger hunt in the gallery, write a poem based upon one of Dufy's paintings or textiles, or play in the interactive corner with textiles. As you can see from the photos above, the girls were drawn to experimenting with fashion design!

Thank you to the museum staff for offering this wonderful gallery experience to us! I learned so much that I did not know before Saturday morning. And, as always, I enjoyed taking photographs of students engaged in learning and creating.

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