Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Construction and strings

What does the above photo collage have in common with the one below?

On Tuesday afternoon, big machines were digging dirt and making mechanical noises outside on the playground while strings students were playing their violins and making musical noises inside a portable building. The earth moving is one of the first visible steps towards the new addition that will hold a strings classroom and so much more.

All around Casey, there was a joyful noise!

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Carrie Bevell Partridge said...

My daughter Callie wrote the following poem and read it at the Groundbreaking Ceremony for this new building:

By Callie, Casey 2nd Grader

What is new? What is new?
The Art Room will be new
With pastel smells, drawings of birds
All kinds of newness
All around you!

What is new? Casey will tell you.
The Music Room will be new
Mrs. Davis singing and kids following
Every note
Everybody in their place
Learning about music
All kinds of music
All around you!

What is new?
Theatre Class will be new
With students having Drama
Acting out different things
Theatre, Drama all around you!

What is new?
I'll answer you!
The Dance Studio will be new
Everybody happy
Second grade singing
And dancing to "Under the Sea"
Kindergarten hopping, bopping
And jazzy! Yeah!

What is new? Is Casey new?
The Strings Room will be new
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Playing by the students
Mrs. Luke is directing.

What is new? What is new?
Casey, my school
That's what's

Julie Nolte Owen said...

Carrie-- thanks for posting the poem. I was there that day for the groundbreaking. Callie did an excellent job. The poem made the morning for me.

Carrie Bevell Partridge said...

I'm so glad you liked it! And I'm so glad I found out about this blog. What a wonderful idea!