Sunday, January 25, 2009

JumpstART Grant for Third Grade

In the above photo collage, Mr. Howell used drama to help Mrs. Pepper's third grade class think about the city of Jackson. After having written a short description of their favorite place in Jackson for homework, the students were instructed to close their eyes and imagine that place. Then, students pantomimed what they would be doing in that place. Some of the favorite activities and places these students chose included swimming at the pool at the YMCA, hunting in the woods, and playing checkers at home.

All third grade classes will be thinking a lot about Jackson and "place" and "community" in the coming months. Through the Ask4MoreArts Initiative, Casey has received a $2000.00 grant to JumpstART a collaborative teaching/learning project between a local artist, teachers, and students. This grant was available to all AFMA partner schools in JPS. The goal of JumpstART is to support innovative arts integrated pilot projects that address the theme: Our Community – A Sense of Place.

More details will follow, but every third grade family should have received an initial description of the project and information about an upcoming field trip associated with this project on Feb. 9th. They will go to the Smith Robertson Museum and downtown to Farish Street.

George Miles is the artist who will be working with all three third grade classrooms. Information about him can be found at these two links:


The next phase of the project will involve weekly sessions between each third grade class and Mr. Miles. He will guide the students through construction of an art project, and the final project will be displayed at the Casey Arts Festival in March. Ms. Gee's class will focus on the past, Mrs. Wilson's class will look at the present, and Mrs. Pepper's class will imagine the future. The teachers and the artist are still working out details, but Art Smart Parents will be able to assist in each phase of the project!

Isn't this exciting?

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