Monday, February 2, 2009

Third graders meet George Miles

This morning, the third graders gathered in the library to learn about the project they will be doing over the next several weeks. Mr. Howell introduced them to the artist George Miles (he prefers to be called "Miles") and explained that they will all be working together to create an artwork about downtown Jackson. The students were asked what they already knew about Farish Street and the King Edward Hotel, and they were shown photographs of these areas taken recently by Miles, Ms. Jones, and Mr. Howell.

The students asked Miles about being an artist, and he told them that making art was extremely important to him and that it gave his life great purpose and satisfaction. They learned that he has had a number of artworks displayed in museums and sold and that his personal favorite artist is the photographer Gordon Parks. Miles and Mr. Howell told the students that when they take their own field trip downtown next Monday, they will need to look at what they find with the eyes of an artist, take notes of what they learn, and take pictures with cameras (many of them will share disposable cameras next week) of the things they find most interesting.

Documentation (photos and writing) by Mr. John Howell, Casey Arts Facilitator and Drama Instructor

Parents of third graders at Casey, ask your child about meeting Mr. Miles, "Miles," today. Is he/she excited about the project? Is he/she looking forward to the "all day" field trip next Monday? I would love to know what our young minds are thinking . . .

Parents, what questions or thoughts do you have?

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1 comment:

Julie Nolte Owen said...

MEO, my third grader, liked seeing the photographs. She said there were so many questions from her classmates that only a few could be answered in the time allotted for the meeting. She was also impressed with Mile's story and how he became an artist. She told me that he won an award for some photography and that he has some of his works in museums.

When describing the upcoming field trip, she is most excited that it will be "all day." It will be a welcome activity after this week of mid-term testing!